“April 18th 2019 was a great day for me. I made my first supply of tomatoes to Kongoni Lodge in Naivasha. I have been practicing horticulture farming for the last seven years and the biggest challenge is market access.
More than half of my harvest would go to waste while the rest would be sold at a throw-away price. I am happy that I will be supplying to this hotel for the next six months.
Through the linkage by WWF-Kenya, I am assured of a reliable market, constant pay and thus I will be able to plan my expenses including ploughing more into my farm.” Zaineb Malicha — Momaki Green Horticulture, Lake Naivasha Basin
Zaineb Malicha is a member of Momaki Green Horticulture — a farmers group in the Lake Naivasha Basin through training by WWF-Kenya. They have adopted Sustainable Consumption and Production practices. She is among farmers who have embraced environmentally sound horticultural practices.
WWF-Kenya through the European Union in Kenya funded project — the Green Horticulture at Lake Naivasha (GOALAN), is working with farmer groups and individuals to ensure that they have access to local and international markets and further conserve the environment.
By Austine Okande